Tag Archives: romney

The U.S. Recovery Has Been Spectacular*

We need a real recovery. That’s what Mitt Romney said during the campaign, and he was right. Five years since the start of the Great Recession, unemployment is still far too high. It’s not for a lack of optimism among policymakers. As Evan Soltas pointed out, the Federal Reserve keeps predicting that prosperity is just […]

The Best-Capitalized Bank Of Them All?

Surprised? Many are. Not long ago BofA had the worst capital levels among its big bank peers but today the bank reported a Basel III Tier 1 capital ratio of 8.97%–beating JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo and Citigroup. FULL STORY

Count ‘Em: 30 Billionaires Now Backing Romney’s Super PAC

It’s no secret that the super-rich have been more inclined to write checks to right-wing candidates so far this election cycle. What is a bit of a surprise is just how many members of the Forbes 400 have donated to one group in the last few months. Source: http://www.forbes.com